Myersdale, PA * April 5, 2025
PA Maple Festival 7842 Mount Davis Rd, Meyersdale, PA, United StatesPA Maple Festival - 1 pm Somerset County Fairground (12pm CTD) 125 Myers Ave, Myersdale, PA - 814-634-0213
The Sport of horsepulling on the world wide web
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PA Maple Festival - 1 pm Somerset County Fairground (12pm CTD) 125 Myers Ave, Myersdale, PA - 814-634-0213
Blue Ridge Horse Pullers Assoc. Point pulls noted. 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point -- 1 point for participation 5 pm * Regular Points
Blue Ridge Horse Pullers Assoc. Point pulls noted. 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point -- 1 point for participation 2 pm - Regular Points
8th Annual Tri State Pull * Washington County Fairgrounds - 7 pm Lights/Heavies (3520#) Weigh 1-3 Negative Coggins * Rain or Shine - Indoor Pull Off I-81 Exit 14
Topeka Sale Barn * St Jude Benefit - 11 am 3520/Hvys - Scale open 7am Kevin Todd Machine * Auction Items accepted
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc - 12 pm Weigh 9-11 am 2 Classes * $5000 purse
North Eastern Ohio Horse Pullers 5th Annual Horse Pull 3800 OW & Heavys * $5000 purse * Buster Miller Farm
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 12 pm Weigh 9-11 am * 2 classes * $2000 purse
Williams Grove Spring Show * Weigh 8-11 - pull 12 pm
5 pm (after pony/mule pulls) Russell County Jaycees Fair Weights Honor System: from March, April, May 2025 Split OW, classes pull together
Blue Ridge Horse Pullers Assoc. Point pulls noted. 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point -- 1 point for participation 5 pm * Regular Pts
Haliburton County Fair * 3:30 - Minden, ON - Lights 3600 Minden Fairgrounds - Lights 3600 * Scale 1 pm 1st 400 - 2nd 350 - 3rd 300 - Hitcher - 250