Shipshewana, IN * June 20 – 21, 2025
Midwest Draft Horse Classic Pull & Show More info coming!
The Sport of horsepulling on the world wide web
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Midwest Draft Horse Classic Pull & Show More info coming!
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 5 pm Weigh 2-4 pm * one class - $2000 purse
Blue Ridge Horse Pullers Assoc. Point pulls noted. 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point -- 1 point for participation 6pm - …
2nd Annual Prouix Horse Pull 613-649-0043
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 2 pm Weigh 11 - 1 pm * 2 classes * everyone receives money
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 1 pm Weigh 10 - 12 noon* 2 classes * $3000 purse
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 1 pm * Ice Cream Social Weigh 10-12pm * 2 classes
Blue Ridge Horse Pullers Assoc. Point pulls noted. 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point -- 1 point for participation 5 pm …
Kosciusko County Fair * 7:30 pm
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 1 pm Weigh 10 - 12 noon * 2 classes * $3000 purse
WHPA * Green County Fair - Middles-Heavies * 27'1/2 pull * Dynamometer * Grandstand/Infield Start 9 am - Weigh on grounds 7:30am Must be OUT OF INFIELD BY NOON
Illinois Horse Pullers Assoc * 5 pm Weigh 2-4 pm * 2 classes * $4000 purse