Powderly, KY * January 1, 2022
KY: Sat, Jan 1 – Midwinter Pull, Muhlenberg County, Powderly, KY * 2 classes * 2 pm CST
The Sport of horsepulling on the world wide web
Send schedules and results to contactus@horsepull.com
KY: Sat, Jan 1 – Midwinter Pull, Muhlenberg County, Powderly, KY * 2 classes * 2 pm CST
Sat, January 8 – Annual Benefit Horse & Pony pull & Auction * Dinky’s Horse Barn, Daviess County, Montgomery, IN * 10am Pony Pull * 11:30am Auction * 1 pm Horsepull All proceeds go to Ronald McDonald’s House & St Judes Childrens Hospital
January 11 – PA Farm Show, Harrisburg, PA * The Complex Mini Horse & Mini Mule Pull 9 am * Pony Pull 11:30 am * Horse Pull 1:30 pm
DENVER, CO Lights January 21 Middles January 22 Heavies January 23
Southern Draft Horse Assoc 3400# & Heavies 12 noon EST
Midwinter Benefit Horsepull Topeka Livestock Auction Stallion Presentation after Horsepull
Southern Draft Horse Assoc 3400# & Heavies 12 noon EST
Southern Draft Horse Assoc 3400# & Heavies 12 noon EST